Many years before I made a brochure in Adobe Pagemaker for my company in UAE. The file was given to the printing press but they rejected saying that they don’t have the software. They told that they want it in Illustrator format. There was no way to convert Pagemaker to Illustrator format. Finally i came to know about the PDF format but there was no option in my system to convert Pagemaker file to PDF. Finally i seeked the help of a graphic designing shop and converted it to PDF and send to printing press. They opened the file and printed the brochure.
PDF is Portable Document Format developed in 1992 by Adobe which contain texts, fonts, vector graphics, form fills, images and even videos. Adobe PDF files can be viewed by a software known as Adobe Acrobat Reader which is downloadable free of charge. The files can be opened by Windows or any other platforms. It is universally standardised portable format available in different forms: PDF/A for archiving, PDF/E for engineering and PDF/X for printing.
Whatever software you maybe using like Photoshop, Powerpoint, Excel etc.., these software can be easily converted into PDF so that the same layout will be displayed in the monitor without being shuffled.
Nowadays, most of the documents are scanned in PDF format. If you select searchable option while scanning, using OCR (Optical Character Recognising ) technology the text can be copied and pasted to another word processing software for further editing. We can scan multi page document together so that a single file can load many pages. By using Adobe Acrobat Professional or online PDF editor we can rearrange the pages, delete or add PDF pages as per your requirements. The file size can be increased or decreased as per your choice.
PDF forms are also available. We can set up PDF files integrated with editable forms so that bank and establishments can select data by using PDF forms.